I spent a better part of two years fighting for handicap accessibility for Jarrett. It literally killed me. I was the most unhappy I have ever been in my life. So unhappy I withdrew from life and was probably in a very deep depression. I had so much to be happy about, but my son not being able to go to school due to ignorance and lack of understanding broke my heart and my spirit. I felt like I was a failure. I decided to draw the last card in my deck and took our fight public with the help of Jeff Edelstein from The Trentonian and Thalia Perez at Fox 29 News.
The public attention and support was overwhelming. Then I wrestled with putting my sons disability out there for all to see and the fact that there are lot of private and sensitive issues we deal with. Would he understand why I did this or would he hate me someday?? Ultimately, it worked for the better. The school district and I entered into a private settlement agreement and Jarrett's needs have been met since September 19th. What a wonderful school he attends. Wonderfully teachers, staff and principal. We couldn't be happier. Jarrett couldn't be happier and that's the most important part!! The happiest is when he comes home and tells me he was able to play on "his playground" with all of his friends. Happy, happy, happy dance!! To know that two schools in our district have handicap accessible bathrooms and playgrounds makes me happy that no parent will have to fight like I did for something so basic and simple as using the potty and playing with friends.
Tyler is doing great! He is in 4th grade and is really coming into his own. He walks to and from school with a friend. He started playing the flute and loves to read! He is such a great help and such a joy. The best part of me is my children and the joy they bring to the world.
A big highlight this summer was getting involved with Special Olympics. Both boys had a blast, but seeing Jarrett run a 25 meter dash and receiving a medal was priceless. We became involved with a unified soccer program and love done experience and the skills both the boys learned. Live unified,
Play unified!!
Then we played baseball for The Miracle League of Mercer County. We hung out with new friends and even saw a few familiar faces. What a joy to be involved with such wonderful organizations that build self esteem and have fun learning about each others individuality.
Thanksgiving brought hard times when my husband was laid off from his job. We have patiently waited for unemployment to kick in and are still waiting all while he searches for a new job. We struggled to buy Christmas presents for the kids and to keep the roof over our heads, but the Lord has provided for us yet again. I try not to worry because we have a wonderfully loving and supportive family and know they are there when we need them.
Jarrett recently began taking steps independently without a walker or crutches which gives us hope he may walk unassisted someday. God has been so good to us with Jarrett's progress. I am forever thankful for having a loving God who has a plan that I can't see, but have faith to trust in Him.
The hardest part of this year was losing a friendship. It was the hardest choice I had to make, but moving forward in happiness doesn't leave room for those who bring negativity and doubt. I question my choice everyday, but know I made the right choice for me and ultimately my family. My true friends are those who are loving, supportive and understanding. I am thankful for a few amazing women I have in my life and count on as friends. They are my rock.
As 2015 is about to roll in my focus is clear. I will continue to work with the special education department in my district to see real change and progression for inclusive instruction, accessibility and parental collaboration for all. I want to spend more time getting closer to God and my faith. I want to spend as much time with my children and husband and mostly my family no matter how near or far they are from us.
Life is hard, so be thankful for your blessings and be sure to count them everyday. No matter how small they may be, they are blessings and should never be taken for granted.
Live Love and Happy New Year,