Saturday, November 1, 2014

Our Adaptive Halloween

This year Halloween was a challenge.  Jarrett tires easily when walking and he made the decision himself to use his wheelchair.  He had chosen his costume months ago and now it was almost Halloween and I had procrastinated, like I always do, to design a costume for his wheelchair as well.

I began searching the internet for creative ideas and found the perfect one!  Jarrett chose to be Captain America and he only rides a motorcycle.   I had the hair brain idea to turn his wheelchair into a motorcycle!  What was I thinking???  Being that I procrastinated, life got in the way and had waited till the day before Halloween to get started, my plan had to change.  I decided to dress his wheelchair to match his costume.

Here are the instructions:

Supplies: Total Cost to create $15 and about two hours of time.

Red, white and blue crafters paint
Metallic silver crafters paint
Foam brushes
Hot glue gun
Poster board (5 sheets)
Red, orange and yellow tissue paper
Zip ties

I used different sized pot lids to make the circles for Captain Americas Shield. Traced the outlines of the circles and painted them according to photos of the actual shield I found online. Painted each shield and then hot glued them to an extra larger circle to give them more support. They were hole punched in three locations and secured with zip ties to the wheels of the wheelchair.

The exhaust pipes were made with rolled up poster board, hot glued to maintain shape and then stapled to the second tube. I used two tubes on each safety bar and painted with metallic crafters paint. The tubes were made wide enough to fit over the anti-tipping guards and the guards were turned up to attach the exhaust. I them suffer the tunes with the colored tissue paper to give it a flame appearance.

Lastly to add a little pizazz I added red, white and blue pinwheels to the front. They were attached with hot glue.

Behind the wheelchair I attached my sons real Captain America shield using ribbon to be able to take it on and off when he wanted to use the shield.

Happy Halloween!!!

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