Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Road to Recovery: Day 2

We are 2 days post op.  Things are looking up.  Jarrett's pain is under control for the most part.  He had a new nurse at night named Leo so he was up most of the night chatting and joking with him so Jarrett was very, very tired.  I think he enjoyed having a guy to joke around with.  The highlight of the day was having the NG tube removed.  Jarrett hated having that thing taped to his nose.

The rest of the day was spent working on breathing exercises to help his lungs.  The docs think that is where the fever was coming from.  A portable chest x-ray was ordered and we were in awe when it arrived looking just like a fire truck.   Thankfully the chest x-ray was normal, but it did show his lungs were high in his chest.  That was caused from him being in bed for a few days.

The highlight of our day was getting to see Tyler.  That is one part that makes this so hard, being separated.  Tyler was in great hands with my parents, but it was apparent part of us was missing.  Tyler jumped right into his role as big bro and began loving on his brother and checking to see if he is okay.  A few hugs and kisses and they were back to playing, joking and playing with some toys.

Tomorrow Daddy heads home to relieve Grandma and Poppa G and Jarrett and I will be staying at CHOP for a few more days. 

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