So sorry I have not updated sooner. The remainder of our hospital stay was long and many days were hard. Jarrett spiked an odd fever and that held up our discharge till the doctors could rule everything out. Blood tests came back normal, but a weird rash appeared. The doctors chalked it up to a latex reaction and treated it with Benadryl and cold compresses. The fever subsided on its own several hours after it appeared. Praise God there was no infection or surgical complication.
Shortly after he was allowed clear liquids. He had some chicken broth and ginger ale, but the ice pops were his favorite and obvious go to choice. Blue Raspberry was his favorite and yes I allowed him to eat one for breakfast. After all he had been through, he earned it.
He was a very complaint patient and as ordered he worked on his breathing exercise with, as he so amusingly called it, his "air tank." This kid used this little machine to challenge himself. He first started out getting to 500, then he quickly upped the challenge to 1,000. By the end of day one he was having contests with me to see who could reach 1500.
One of the highlight of our stay was the Child Life Department. They came in on our 5th day and asked what Jarrett would like to do. Of course he said Legos. He loves Legos, especially superhero Legos. Leslie came into the room with of all things, his favorite, but a brand new Batman Lego set. He worked diligently to complete it. He needed some help, but did as much as he could. He spent a good 4 hours sitting up in a chair and working his little fingers hard to complete it.
The next few days were filled with lots of work, from sitting up, to the constant drain changes. The poop situation was the hardest part to deal with. It would happen at any hour and no warning. Trying to get him back on a schedule is still plaguing us.
The last 2 days of our stay brought a few unexpected tests to check his shunt. Being that the tubing was moved during surgery, his urology team ordered an x-ray and ultrasound to make sure all systems were a go. This meant Jarrett would be unhooked from his IV and we could get out of the room. We were thrilled to use his wheelchair and escape for a bit. He loved sitting in it and especially being free to wander about. It also allowed him to get close to the PlayStation so he could get his gaming on. He has some pretty big smiles on his little face as he played.

Our last day in the hospital was Tuesday, January 31st. From the fever to the testing we had lots of ground to cover in order to be released. PT came in first thing in the morning and Jarrett was nervous, but ready to work. He fought me hard, so I had to get creative. I bet Jarrett $20 he could not walk at all. When I said that, a part of me inside broke & I cringed because I never once believed he was incapable of doing it. Sometimes Jarrett needs to have the ante upped for him to comply. It is just apart of his competitive spirit and one part of him Jason and I know will catch his attention. I had to leave the room, so I headed t the bathroom to take a shower. As I began to dry my hair I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I asked who it was and tiny, weary voice said, "It's me Mommy." As I opened the door there he was, red faced, exhausted and determined. I smiled and tears poured from my eyes. I was beaming with pride for my little fighter. He then pushed me away and said, " I love you too, but where's my 20 bucks?" Typical Jarrett. He then looked at me and said, "Watch this and you do not have to pay me to do this. This is a freebie Momma." This little guy walked over to the hospital room door, slow and steady, then opened the door and walked into the hallway. He was so proud and this Mommy started jumping up and down with joy.

The docs came in, saw his progress, did another set of vitals and we were cleared for release. Now Jarrett wanted out of his hospital wear and into some superhero gear. Good thing Mommy came prepared. He suited up and we were set.
We donated some of his balloons to a few patients on our floor and a few....Jarrett requested I do some Chipmunk voices with. I inhaled a little helium and the giggles that came from Jarrett were priceless. The remainder of the balloons we hooked to wheelchair. He sort of looked like Mr. Fredrickson fro Up. We waited for Daddy and Tyler to pick us up and we were off. Peace out CHOP.